The Venturing awards program is designed to help Venturers grow in the areas of adventure, leadership, personal development, and service (the ALPS model). Awards serve as benchmarks that give Venturers a structure for developing their own personal vision into manageable goals that lead to recognition by their peers, mentors, and the larger community.
Venturing Advancement & Awards
The Venturing program features a series of four awards that one can earn: the Venturing, Discovery, Pathfinder, and Summit Awards. The Venturing Summit Award is equivalent to the rank of Eagle in Scouting. Venturing is a flexible program, and the awards program is designed to help all Venturers, no matter what their crew specialty.
A Venturer earns these awards in sequence, demonstrating progressively greater commitment to their crew, to personal growth, leadership challenges, project and event management, and teaching and mentoring others.

Venturing Award
A new crew member makes a commitment to join a crew and participates in crew activities.

Discovery Award
A Venturer begins to discover their own talents and develops new skills and competencies as they challenge themselves through participation in crew activities. They complete some foundational formal training.

Pathfinder Award
The Venturer plans and leads more crew events of significant complexity and duration, serves in a position of leadership, and delves further into formal training and self-reflection as they experience personal challenges and growth.

Summit Award
The highest Venturing award, the Summit Award requires a Venturer to continue service to their crew in a leadership role, become a mentor to others, take their Venturing involvement beyond their crew, and plan and execute a major service project. This is similar to the Eagle Award for Boy Scouts.

Leadership Awards
The Venturing program is designed to develop those who participate in it into experienced leaders. To recognize those who have shown exceptional dedication and service to the program, the Venturing Leadership Award (VLA) and the Unit Leader Award of Merit were created.
For more information about these and other awards, follow this link: